Leadership Summit 2021: Purification Glory
Hebrews 12:28b-29 — 28...let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, 29 for our God is a consuming fire.
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” The children of God are called to holiness and purity, having our hearts sprinkled clean and our souls purified by obedience to the truth. Only by way of the blood of Jesus Christ may we draw near to a holy Father – and draw near we must! We are to be built up as a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, offering pure worship pleasing to Him.
Live right, do right, be right – as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. We must be quick to forgive and be forgiven. We must lay down our pride, our sense of entitlement, and humble ourselves under His mighty hand. It is time to cleanse our hands, purify our hearts, and turn from sin.
God is moving, and this new move requires us to enter in by way of the altar of repentance, allowing the fire of God to change us. To rush into His presence any other way will not bring forth the fruits worthy of repentance that make us effective witnesses to the world of a holy, passionate, and loving Father.
Purification Glory – drawing us into deeper union with the Lord of Glory. Join us August 11- 13 for this virtual Leadership Summit. Come with your hearts wide open and your eyes on Him.
The intention of The Leadership Summit – formerly called The Summer Gathering – is to provide practical, scriptural leadership teaching and training. Pastors and church leaders, we encourage you to gather your leaders, young and old, to join you for these sessions. Those not in ministry are also encouraged to join us. We are ALL leaders in our homes, our families, our communities, and our workplaces. Everyone will benefit from what the Lord has for us!