Leadership Summit 2024: Now Faith

Leadership Summit 2024: Now Faith

Regular price $35.00 $0.00

Hebrews 11:1 – "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."       

NOW FAITH provides a heavenly substance to accomplish vision. NOW FAITH overcomes opposition, natural thinking, and unbelief. NOW FAITH breaks off lies and opens our spiritual eyes to see the riches of God’s glory and the immeasurable greatness of His power working in us!

NOW FAITH is a bold faith that makes a stand for soul winning, makes a stand for holiness, and separates us unto Him. NOW FAITH is not lukewarm but is red hot – for our God is consuming! NOW FAITH is grounded in the Word of God and instant in season and out!

NOW FAITH looks unto Jesus, expecting and experiencing the supernatural outflow of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence! Come – join us in September. Mark a significant spiritual meeting with God and go out with great ministries of healing, salvation, church planting, and discipleship.

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