Women's Gathering 2024: An Opportune Time
There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on earth.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (MSG)
The Bible tells us to be prepared in season and out of season (2 Timothy
4:2) — prepared with the Word of God and an ear toward heaven; having a
heart ready and willing when the Lord says, “Now is the time.”
Consider a woman named Huldah in her defining moment in 2 Kings 22.
When a spiritual crisis gripped the king and the nation, Josiah inquired of
the Lord from this woman known for her wisdom and authority. Huldah the
prophetess spoke God’s Word faithfully, even when the words she was
given were challenging. The king heeded this godly woman and turned his
heart and his people to follow the Lord.
Women, God still calls us to speak His Word with boldness, to stand firm on
His Word, and trust that God will bring about His will through it. Huldah the
prophetess is a vivid example of a godly woman who answered God’s call
to speak His Word.
Her opportune time came, and she bravely and
faithfully delivered the Word of the Lord. Like Huldah in the Bible, each of
us is called to listen to the Holy Spirit and be prepared to share God’s
message with boldness.