Prophetic Gathering 2024: Stand Fast in the Faith
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 — Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.
These instructions from the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth still resonate with the body of Christ today. Be alert, guarding against deception, trusting that the Holy Spirit is revealing to us the things to come, preparing us for them, and guiding us through them.
Be courageous, declaring the truth with conviction, and growing in unyielding strength through God’s holy Word. Stand fast, our faith firmly affixed on the Rock of our salvation, not double minded or moved by circumstances. Above all, everything we do must be an expression of God’s love and mercy, for God is love!
We invite you to join us in November as we gather in God’s presence from around the world to be encouraged, refreshed, renewed, and readied for service to the Father. Stand Fast in the Faith!