Youth Summit 2024: Firelighters

Youth Summit 2024: Firelighters

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“…keep the lamps burning continually.”
Leviticus 24:2


The very nature of fire is to spread! It cannot be contained. Fire wants to light everything around it! Can you imagine being a fire like that — lighting up everyone around you with the flame of the Holy Spirit’s love?


The Bible says God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29)! That means the fire of God affects everything – burning up what is not pure, and lighting up what is! It is not to be feared but to be pursued. His is a fire of LOVE!   


How do we become Fire Lighters? How do we keep “the lamp burning continually” and affecting others around us? By demonstrating the characteristics of Jesus’ love-fire: holiness, purity, a passion for His presence, and a love for His Word!


Maybe your fire isn’t burning as brightly as you desire. Join us in July for an opportunity to re-ignite the flame. Bring along a few friends who perhaps haven’t yet caught the fire. We are praying for you and trusting God to ignite the fire in all who desire Him!


He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Luke 3:16

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